Celebrity vs Star : Celebrity is a famous person who is usually only famous locally or in a specific group of audiences (local/niche) Star is a famous person who is famous worldwide regardless of the target audiences. Example: Agnes Monica, an Indonesian singer, is a Celebrity because she is well-known in Indonesia, but not worldwide, while Michael Jackson is a Star , because he is very well-known worldwide. Why people are interested to celebrities? Love - We are fascinated with the love lives of the stars, can also feel a romantic affiliation with them. Ordinariness - We like to see them doing routine things, living normal lives just like our own. Success - We like the idea of overnight success, and failure before success. This appeals to our sense of fair play. Consumption - We are fascinated by the huge material wealth brought by media success. Not just luxury homes and cars, but also strict dietary regimes set by expensive nutritionists, h...